Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Can I ?

Can I take everything as easy as I want ?

I myself still searching for an answer.. People will keep asking me " Are you really can get the pain ? " but too bad I myself also dunno whether I can take it or not.

These few weeks, I feel that myself is a good worker but not a healthy worker. I keep on forcing myself to be busy and keep on spending my time in office.... I really dunno wat is this life for?
Is this the life that i want ? I myself also keep the question in myself... am i lying myself that this should b my life ??

I feels suffer these few weeks that too many things appens and it really hurts me.... but there is no medicine can cure it ? ? As I grow oldr there is more things happends on me ..... there is too many things in my life ..." CLUTTER LIFE"... sometimes I'll think off how can I be the 1 that I knew while I was young ? but too bad ..... I as a dish had added too many " AJINOMOTO "
The taste will be not that pure anymore... the dish becomes more unhealthy if it is being eaten...

CAn i throw out the dish and start to cook another dish ??? but too bad the answer is no.... Even I can throw everything when I cook a new dish I still add in spices ..... slowly slowly it will also like current dish becomes " ROJAK"

EEERrrrrrr!!!!!! still have face with my ROJAK life !!!!! Hope I can Go further !!!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010



但我知道有些事情不由得我放弃,我也很清楚不该钻牛角尖。。 像回我曾经看过的一部短片。。。人生就犹如八十层的高楼,电梯就是我们的幸运之牌,当自己抽不到幸运之牌的时候,唯有选择脚踏实地的一步一步慢慢走下去。

在我开始学着提起脚踏上第一层的阶梯时,我觉得很愉快,我觉得很新鲜,我更觉得我得到了前所未有的快乐。但往往在这漫长的途中我必须学着放手, 学习自己重新站起来,学习放弃该放弃的人,事与物。

从前的我只会钻牛角尖,不懂得舍弃该放下的东西,每样事情都选择不放手。直到一天累了,东西越堆越多, 背包也越来越重,令我无法不放弃一些东西。很多人都会选择把整个背包留下,就空手走完下半辈子的人生。。。但我明白放下整个背包,只会令我下半辈子带着遗憾走完我人生的道路。。。

结果我选择将我背包里水壶的水倒掉。。。。 因为我知道这一路走下去我可以向路人低头要水,我可以向便利店买水。。。我有很多方式来得到水。但是如果我把整个背包舍弃了, 那么就没有人能够轻易的打造一本新护照给我,让我下半辈子的路可以光明正大的走下去。。


告诉自己:“加油吧!!! 你可以的!!!“